Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I have no time to blog

Sorry I've been blog delinquent, on both blogs. I don't really have time right now. I wish I did. I wish I could think clearly.

Sometimes Adaya sleeps well. Sometimes, like last night, she doesn't. She was up from 3-6 last night. Not good. A couple nights ago, she slept 12-7, amazing.

Josiah annoys me. Four year olds like to nag. I don't handle it well when lacking in sleep.

Neither of my children have any patience. I am running low as well.

Sometimes I don't feel like I have anything left to give...


Paulos said...

sounds tough, I'm not so sure how well I could handle being around a 4 year old 24/7

The Smith Clan said...

Maybe while you are all here for Christmas maybe Josiah could come to our house for a few hours to play with his cousins to give you and Wes a little break. Think about it. Love Ya All.

Laura said...

Ah Man, Angie! I run out of patience with ONE child...add another and oye--your tiredness is valid!

Can I do anything for you? Come over and play with Josiah for a while? Bring over some cookies? Babysit so you can go somewhere and read...or sleep? :)