Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Josiah's having an echocardiogram

Josiah went in for his five year well check Monday afternoon. The Dr heard a heart murmur. So he's going in Thursday morning for an echocardiogram or ultra sound of his heart. It may be nothing, but we need to find out. Pray for the Drs who will be doing the procedure and trying to figure out what, if anything, is wrong. We'll let you know, when we know. Pray for Josiah too, he seems a bit nervious about it.


The Smith Clan said...

This summer we found out that Dawson also has a heart murmur. We are praying that all is well with our nephew and Mom and Dad. It is a very scary time. Luckily the Dr. thinks that Dawson may out grow his by the time he is a teenager. We pray that this is the news or even better for little Josiah.

Wesly Smith said...

So it turns out Josiah is fine.