Monday, August 28, 2006

Secret projects

Just to clarify... Secret projects involve making and doing things for other people. They DO NOT include making new life with my husband. My next "secret project" will also be known as "Christmas gifts."

Also... Please remember to read posts in order, bottom-top.

Now then, I must get back to my secret project. I can work on it for an hour while Josiah is watching Seseme Street. Then I can take my daily shower during Bob. "Can we fix it?! Uh, I think so."


Happy b-day, Amy. I have a little something for you, but you'll just have to wait till I see you next. That's only 3.5-4 months away. :O)

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I had the ultrasound and the tech and Dr. present didn't think there was too much to worry about. They did say that it looked as if I still have a lot of old blood that I my body still needed to get ride of. I should hear from my Dr. on Monday. Hopefully she'll know more than I do. The ultrasound Dr. did say that there was a possibility that they might bring me in for another ultrasound in a week to see if the lining had thinned. I hate going to the Dr.

My dad seems to be doing fairly well. He's mostly just sitting on his butt. Not a lot you can do when you can't put any pressure on your foot and it's not yet in a cast, not to mention being strung out on pain killers. We visited today. Josiah is good medicine.

I started my second secret project...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

national night out

We had an official national night out block party, on August 1st. It was fun. Josiah had a blast playing with the big kids. Since we live at the far end of the street we don't get to see everyone around the corner very much. Many of the kids aren't allowed to come down to our end of the street, since we're right on Shattack. We had a local neighborhood cop stop by as well as another couple cops on four wheelers. We were hoping the fire truck would show, but they didn't. Fortunately we hadn't told Josiah that they were going to be there.

more pics and life

Isn't life fun? My dad spent two hours yesterday in surgery. He had his ankle revamped. Surgery went okay but it's going to be long weeks for recovery.

I too have seen/will see too much of Drs. this week. This is where all you guys want to tune out. I was bleeding for two weeks. Yep guys, the female kind of bleeding. It's not so much the length of time that was trouble some, but the unusual extra something I passed. So I went to the Dr. on Monday. They ruled out the possibility of pregnancy/miscarriage. I'm going in tomorrow morning for an ultrasound. They'll be checking for things like fibroids, polips, and anything else that looks funny. Fun.

I finished my first new secret project. If your name's not Chris or Laura, I'd be happy to show it to you if you come over. It's just too cute. :O) So incredably cute that I want to keep it. Sorry Ava. :O)

The Ethnos softball pics are from the tournament day, July 29th. I'd have more pics but I sort of forgot to bring my spare battery. Oops.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Friday, August 18, 2006

blog slacker

Oh my. It's been almost a month since my last post. I suck. Okay, here's a rundown of what has happened since my last post.

Last part of July:
Finished VBS
Tripped on the stiars twice at VBS
Screwed up my foot tripping on said stairs
Spent some time elevating and icing my foot
Spent a few days cleaning up at the church
Spent some time cleaning my own house
Spent some actual time with my husband and son

First part of August:
Started two new projects (Sorry, I can't give details because some ones may be reading this.)
Preped and taught Sunday School
Neighborhood National Night Out Party
Spent a weekend backpacking

Currently uploading photos for various other activities:
1st birthday
Visible Grace g-sale
park trip
g-sale prep
other things mentioned above

So once I get the photos upload, I'll share them all with you all.