Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fun Felt Food

Go ahead, say that ten times fast.

A couple weeks ago I was at a local children's chain store. Adaya was playing with the kitchen set which is always out. I picked up a piece of play food. It wasn't your typical plastic or wood, it was made from various fabrics. I decided that I could do that and it would cost so much less. So a few days later I went to another local chain store where one buys fabric and craft supplies. I browsed through the pattern section and found nothing. Back at home I sat down at the computer and started my hunt. That's where I found Bugga Bugs. There are all kinds of fun felt food patterns for sale on her Etsy site. They are terribly cute. I bought five and of course got the sixth one free. Love them. Loving making them. I've only done corn and a shopping bag thus far. But hey, I only just got the patterns. I'm hoping to have them all done for Adaya for her birthday or Christmas at the latest. You should go, sign up for the Bugga Bug newsletter, and get your free strawberry pattern.


Fullcurl said...

I sure hope I don't get drawn by you this year for the annual family Christmas gift exchange.

Wesly Smith said...

Come on Fullcurl, you know you want a Fun Felt Fullcurl.