Thursday, December 21, 2006

I can't wait

I can't wait for Christmas morning. I'm so excited now. I'm almost done with Wes's gift and I can't wait for him to open it. I haven't been very excited about Christmas yet. Of course I attribute part of that to the fact that I am just now finally really getting over this bug I've had for almost two weeks. It put me way behind on my gift making since I really needed to rest during naps and I was exhausted by the time Wes got home from work each day. So I have a ton to do. My house is a disaster. Stephen and Amy will be arriving at the airport at like 5am Saturday. Right, and Saturday is Wes's b-day. So I really don't have much time to get anything done. Good news, Josiah is spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight. So, I have a birthday cake to go bake now and a gift to put the final touches on. Oh how I wish I could post a picture. I want to show it to the world!!!!


Wesly Smith said...

Since you can't post a picture, why don't you just tell us what you are getting Wes?

Angie said...

Wouldn't you like that. :O)~

Wesly Smith said...

Pay no attention to who it says posted the comment. I am not Wes. Wes does not read your blog.