Monday, December 11, 2006

The Smith Family Illness

We are sick again. Wes and I came down with it Friday. Josiah seemed a bit stuffy Sunday morning. Friday wasn't too bad. I woke with a bad sore throat and mild head cold. Saturday was terrible. I was cold and achy all day. I had a fever, it broke during the night. Sunday was better, no more aches. Yet, this head cold was a whole lot worse. Wes was feeling well enough to hang some Chirstmas lights outside. We didn't feel up to going to the Gathering. It's 4am Monday morning now and I've gotten about two hours of sleep. I slept from 11:30-12:30 and 2-3. Wes is congested and being a noisey and tossy sleeper. My head has been screaming all night with this headache that I can't seem to kick. I'm congested and it's moving to my chest. Josiah has woken several times. I'm wide awake now. I have three more hours till Josiah is up for the day. Maybe I will be able to get another hour in...


Wesly Smith said...

Sorry you had a cruddy time sleeping. :O(

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you guys are sick again. I hope it passes quickly. We missed you guys on Sunday.