Tuesday, April 17, 2007

We survived

Things have been looking up around here. Josiah started eating again Friday evening. Wes arrived home about 3:30pm Saturday. I didn't get Josiah's bug, at least not bad if I did. My tailbone is still killing me, but the morning sickness may be subsiding. Wouldn't that be grand! We even got our taxes in Monday morning. :O)

So it may seem a bit early but I've definately been feeling the baby move. It's still a pretty rare occurance, like once a week, for the past couple weeks. But last night I was laying on the couch, icing my tailbone (the only relief I can get while preggo), and I got 10-20 minutes of movement. It was nice. Feeling the baby move this early is like a little gift from God. A little reassurance that everything will be all right.

1 comment:

Laura Anne said...

That's so exciting! I felt Ava move really early...like 14 weeks, which I know is weird for a first time mom.