Monday, April 28, 2008


This morning I did a little math for curiosity's sake. You see, I've had two, little, skinny babies and I've been curious as to how they really measure up to each other. So I did some calculations and found that when Josiah was just 6 months old, he weighed 9.17 ounces per inch. Adaya, as of her six month appointment, weighs 8.95 ounces per inch. So it turns out that Adaya actually has a lower height to weight ratio. Humm. Now why does it seem like Adaya has more pug and rolls than Josiah did? I think it's all in the head. Their heads actually. Josiah has a big noggin and Adaya's is very petite. Which means Josiah carried more weight in the head and Adaya on her thighs. So if they both were the same height, Adaya would need to gain a whopping 6 ounces to even out their weight to height ratios. Now I know, and so do you. :O)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

also muscle ways more than fat, so her little stores are probably not calculating as much as Josiah's muscles, even though they're tiny ones ;)