Saturday, February 04, 2012

366 Days of 2012 - Day 30 - Jan 30

Points to the sky

I don't feel like I've been posting the best pictures. But sometimes life as a mom doesn't leave you with much time to shoot. And sometimes you expend on your shooting skills on silly photo scavenger hunts.

Before school, my son and I stand at this corner and wait for his yellow limousine. Recently, it's just as the sun is breaking the horizon on the other side of the trees across the street. The other day I looked up the street and saw the sign which seem to point to the illuminated clouds. I pointed it out to my son and I think he liked the new reason the sign was there as much as I. Now it's one of our silly morning jokes that puts a smile on his face. Unfortunately, after the bus arrived and I ran inside to get the camera and tripod, the pink had all but faded. I must remember to take my camera to the bus stop with us.

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