Monday, February 13, 2012

January G+ photo scavenging

In December I signed up for my 2nd G+ photo scavenger hunt. The first one was so much fun, I had to do it again. This time instead of 2 months and 26 photos, it was just one month and 10 photos. I was shocked when I actually got some points for some of my photos. When the points were all counted, I was tied for an actual prize with another photographer. Unfortunately, I came in fourth after the tie breaking judging.

The sign up for March's hunt starts Feb 20...  G+, you know you want to.

Received 1st place from Lotus Carol
Received 3rd place from Alan Shapiro
Received honorable mention from Alan Shapiro
Received honorable mention from Lotus Carol
Received 1st place from Lotus Carol
Received honorable mention from Alan Shapiro
Received 1st place from Chrysta Rae
Received 2nd place from Alan Shapiro
Skin (The booboo is a fake and she was mad at Siah.)
Received 2nd place from Alan Shapiro

1 comment:

Fullcurl said...

wow. Looks like you are doing some cool things like melding those pictures together to create a story. Congrats on your winnings.