Saturday, July 08, 2006

backpacking - part 4, Friday

Friday morning we awoke to a gorgeous day. There was hardly a cloud in the sky. Thus we reconsidered and decided to take the ridge out. Surely we could out hike any afternoon thunderstorms.

We took our time getting breakfast. We then tried again to get a phone signal out. After being unsuccessful we headed to the lake to get some water. By the time we had packed up it was nearly 11am. It took us 50 minutes to ascend the hillside to the top of the ridge. Here, we were finally able to make a call out to Wes’s brother, Aaron.

The rest of the story isn’t very exciting. We booked it out. We made a couple of 15 minute pit stops but still made it out in less than two hours. Aaron met us on the trail. He was very disappointed that we had gone so quickly. He didn’t get to see much of the trail. By 2pm we were heading out in his truck. It felt like cheating to be riding in a vehicle. I was anxious to get a shower and to see my little boy.

Nothing really went as planned. Still, it was a good time, a bit scary, and very amazing. Next time we will go later in the year and actually make it to the other side of the trail at Anthony Lakes to have that picnic with our family.

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