Wednesday, June 23, 2010

book club and other things

First, I just started reading (listening to actually) the latest book for my book club group. It's called The Middle Place, and so far I adore it. I am almost 30 minutes in, I believe still the first chapter. It's fun. I adore her children and everyone loves her dad, which you can't help but do. Right now, they are searching for a tooth that her dad sneezed out while planting in the garden.

Second, do any of my readers know when the next book club date is. Lindsay posts everything on facebook these days. Load of good that does me.

Third, my son is at my parents house. So I just have one child for a few days. I'm sure he's out digging in the dirt as I type. I am so hoping he does his journal writing about the things he does while at Grandma's house. Because I am so looking forward to reading it. He writes some really goofy stories sometimes. I am hoping to help him create a mini scrapbook of his summer vacation with his journal writings and summer photos.

Fourth, we spent yesterday at my Grandparents' house. The kids had so much fun helping with the yard work. Josiah loves doing yard work. He trimmed all the dead rose buds off the 40 or so rose bushes that his Great Grandma grows. Adaya ran everywhere. And yes, she smelt just about every rose and a gazzillion other flowers. I wish you could all see my Grandmother's flowers. Even with all the rainy weather, Grandma's yard and flowers are still beautiful. Josiah went home from there with my parents and Adaya was sound asleep just after we hit 26, on the way home. I am working on a post with pictures, I hope to have them up by bed time tonight.

Fifth, I put banana Boat on my daughter yesterday. She is broken out. I don't know where her sunblock is and I need to find somewhere to buy her more. Sigh.


Ciara said...

Ang how did you find out what book we're reading? I didn't even knwo we'd settled on one yet. And I am on Facebook, so Lindsay definitely hasn't been posting info there.

I am glad we are reading the middle place though. I put that book on the list... last year I walked into a book store at the beach and read a whole chapter of that while sitting on the floor. :)

Ashby and Abram said...

um...sometimes there is not a ton of communication concerning the next book club book and the next book club date. : )

love the pics of your grandma and kiddos and flowers, Ang! miss you!