Friday, June 04, 2010

they're supposed to be safe...

Every morning I stand at the corner with my son. The bus stops. I watch him climb the stairs and sit down in the front seat.

My heart breaks for the family of a local 2nd grader. He was at school this morning, but didn't come home. Where is he? Where'd did he go after the science fair? Why did he never show up in class? They're supposed to be safe.

I watch my son climb those steps and I walk back to the house. He's on the bus, the yellow limo. He'll get off the bus at the school and walk to his classroom. He will be safe, won't he?

Lord, protect this little boy. Wrap him in your arms. Bring someone to find him, soon. Protect him. Place him back in the arms of his family. May his family know that our prayers are with him and them, that our hearts weep with them.

1 comment:

The Smith Clan said...

That poor child and his family. My heart aches for them all as well as their friends. Will say a few more prayers for them all tonight. There was a predator two weeks ago that visited a local elementary school in Baker that twice tried to take children and then showed up at the middle school. One parent at the middle school seen this car keep circling the school, stopped the car and confronted the guy. Then called 911. The guy has never been seen in Baker again. We thought that living in remote small towns made us safer, not.