Monday, October 16, 2006

ho hum

That's how I feel this evening. It must be that fall finally started and the rain is drowning me.

The fence came down today. Most of it is in our driveway. I don't like not having a fence. It takes away my privacy on Shattack. It means I have to watch Josiah more closely when we're outside. Fortunately, it's a temporary thing. It will be back up before the end of the month.

I'm frustrated. I wish I could remember all the things I used to know about AutoCAD. I expect it to do something for me, but it doesn't. I definately getting back into the swing of things, but it has taken more time than I thought it would. I suppose it took me 3 months to learn it the first time. Perhaps I shouldn't have expected it to come right back. Now if I can figure out how to get the 2D thing a going...

I'm frustrated. I don't know how to construct something in Kenya. I don't know how they do things. It makes it more challenging to design. I wish I could find something online. I've looked. I haven't had much luck. I wish I was close to the AAA library at the UO. I might be able to find some info there. I wish I still had friends who worked there, then maybe I could just call. I wish I had an alumni membership, then I could call anyway. I wish I could get on a plane tomorrow and find the info I need in Kenya. I wish a lot of things...

Ho hum...

1 comment:

Wesly Smith said...

Field trip!