Monday, February 12, 2007

busy life

How does life get so busy? I mean it's not like we're going crazy, but it just seems like there is always something to do. Last week I was so busy with house work that I didn't even get out of the house till Thursday, when I had to for sanity sake. Thursday evening we had community group at our house and we had over night guests, Andrew and Abigail. Friday we took our guest to another friends' house. Then we ran some errands, had lunch out, came home for rest time. Saturday morning is my morning to sleep in and I actually did till 9:30. Then I read for a while. Then I started prep (or rather continued prep) for teaching Sunday. Then our weekend guests came back for another night. Sunday we hung out with our guests till shortly after noon and I spent the rest of the afternoon preping for class. Sunday evening was crazy, crafty fun. I was setting up to do the actual Bible point/memory versus part of the class when parent started showing up. So I feel like all we did is craft and no Bible, which is totally lame.

Now it is today...
Today - laundry, clean, laundry, clean, laundry (Monday is laundry day). Marriage course.
Tuesday - Maybe I will actually get Josiah to the children's museum this week. We probably have to go to the library too.
Wednesday - Valentines, try and get what I wanted to do for Wes done. (There probably isn't enough time between now and then.)
Thurday - Teaching MOPS kids. (Which means I have prep work to start on today.) Wes's mom is coming. (Which means I better finish cleanup the spare bedroom.) Community group.
Friday - Maybe go downtown (although I'm not sure I really want to, especially if it is raining). Herminutics (I so can't spell that) study (right, I have a chapter to read for that).
Saturday - Help a friend move. Talk Wes into only staying at his music thingy a couple hours so that we can have an actual night out.
Sunday - Wes has setup and lyrics at church.

Humm... listing it out, it doesn't seem like much, but in the mists of it all I have to...
cook constantly, care for my son, finish backing up my computer, get some pictures posted from Ethnos happenings, keep up with house stuff, find two minutes for myself...

Well, it's almost nine, best get started... (I need a nap.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking care of my little overnight guests! They had a good time. You should try and fit in a nice, relaxing bath in there somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Well you could cut out part of that business by eliminating Valentines Day. It's a made-up Hallmark holiday anyway. Amy and I decided JOINTLY long ago not to acknowledge it. We already have a day that we decided on-our anniversary. And flowers are about 700% cheaper in a month.


Angie said...

I agree, flowers are a rip off. Most of it is. That's why I want to DO something for Wes, not buy him something. (I don't usually buy anything seasonal until after the season and it's 50% off or more.) But it's not going to get done... Things never get done by deadlines around here.

Ashby said...

Wow. It does sound busy, when you lay it all out. Take it a day at a time, and you realise it's do-able, but I think it's when you (I) look at the entire week and realise you don't have any downtime, that you feel busy.

Dave Ketah said...

You seem to be managing it all quite well! Thanks for adding our kids into your already busy schedule!