Friday, February 16, 2007

More mommy fun

Here's how it happened. I left Josiah upstairs playing. I came downstairs to prepare photos for posting. After 15 minutes I went to check on Josiah. He was in the bathroom. He had had an accident in his pull up and decided that he would take care of it. So his pull up is around his ankles. He's got poop up and down his legs. He's got poop on his hands because he was trying to clean up his legs. Oh joy. So we had a discussion about getting mom to help him if he has an accident. I got him cleaned up and then threw him in the tub. Thus, nap time was postponed. Now Josiah is having a short rest time. I'm pretty sure he won't nap now. But I at least needed a chance to get a shower, even if I'm not going to get a nap.

1 comment:

Dave Ketah said...

On the bright side, he is showing that he has an ability to take personal initiative!

Been there. :)