Tuesday, May 08, 2007

dead car

Our car is dead at the moment. The battery is shot. We tried to leave for church Sunday and couldn't get the car started. Fortunately, we were able to find a neighbor to give us a jump. We had to have friends give us another jump after church. It's good we were able to make it since we were teaching the 3-k class.

Wes pulled a battery charger out of a box to charge it before we left Sunday (needed plugged in for 12 hours). This morning he tried to use it to jump the car in order to take it to Swabs for a new battery. It didn't work. The thing doesn't have enough power to jump our car even though that is what it was suppose to be for. That's why it has built in jumper cables. Oh well.

We have no milk. We have no car. I'm going to have to take the bus to my appointment today. Or walk, we'll see what I feel up to.

We have 6 bird nests under our deck, all in a row. I think 3 of them are actually in use. It's an interesting site. I can watch the occupants from the computer. I keep thinking that I have to get a picture...

I am still dealing with some form of a stomach bug (started Friday). It effects me most before noon. Then I just get cramps every time I eat for the rest of the day. At least I'm not throwing up too...

I have pictures to post and I will get to it. I promise. It's just been kind of a sucky month having a broken tail bone and three different illnesses now. But I have pictures that I wanted to post from teching in February, Easter, and Josiah sleeping in his new big bed. I'm sure there are some other things too. So soon...

1 comment:

Paulos said...

pictures are fun, I posted a picture of a bird nest that got built right on our balcony, can't wait to see little chicks.