Friday, May 04, 2007

Did you see Gray's Anatomy last night?

A part of me wishes I hadn't. I bawled. It was scary. The chick that gave birth, that's me. That's basically my placenta issue. Hopefully mine has healed over the past 9 weeks, it can do that while the placenta is still growing in the first trimester. But if it hasn't, her issues are very much my issues. I could give birth pre term. I could hemerage. The baby could die. I could die. It's scary to think about it. I try not to. I try to believe that the placenta has healed. I try to remember that it's all in God's hands. I have an appointment next Tuesday. I'll be scheduling my ultrasound then. It will probably be on the 18th or the 25th. It seems like a lifetime from now.

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