Friday, September 07, 2007

He loves me

One of Josiah's favorite things to do is transform my couches. It's okay when it's just one or when I'm not pregnant or sick. But I hate it when the entire living room becomes a circus train. Then when the circus tent is erected, I completly loose my living room. Yesterday, our house was in just such a state.

Last night, Wes and I were discussing some things. So when we went to bed his mind was still working, so he couldn't sleep. He got up and decided that while he was up he would put my living room back together. When I got up this morning, I had couches. Where did they come from? The couch fairy? That's when I realized that Wes must have gotten back up after I fell asleep. Then I saw the circus tent. It was built in the newly formed children's area of our living room. It is the best tent ever. So Josiah is also very happy. He has a circus tent. The most spacious one he has ever had to play in. The blankets also extend onto the train table. So he has a very, very dark tunnel too. He loves it!

I guess he loves us both!

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