Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Josiah started preschool today. He seems to have had a good time. At first he didn't want to tell me anything about his day, but once we got home he started talking.

He played at the train table with one new friend.
He had goldfish and juice for snack.
He played on the playground.
He drew a big smile on his apple coloring sheet.
They looked at the calender and talked about what day it is today. "Today is just two ones."

We had a couple interesting conversations after preschool.

Mom: Did your teacher read a story?
Josiah: No. She just read two stories. One about a mouse and one about a pig. They're just like the ones on my bookshelf in my bedroom.
Mom: Oh. Did she read If You Give a Pig a Pancake and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie?
Josiah: Um, Yep.

Mom: Did you obey your teachers?
Josiah: No.
Mom: How come?
Josiah: Because I didn't want to clean up. I just wanted to keep playing.
Mom: You know that you're supposed to obey your teachers.
Josiah: I'll just obey them when I go back on the next day.

Josiah: No mom, you're just supposed to sit like this.
Mom: Is that how your teacher showed you how to sit?
Josiah: Yah, we just sit like this.
Mom: Did your teacher call that "criss cross apple sauce"?
Josiah: Um, yep.
Mom: Are you going to sit like that.
Josiah: No. Just at preschool.


Ashby said...

HAHAHAHA those are hilarious conversations. I really like the part about just obeying the teachers tomorrow. I DEFINITELY have that attitude sometimes! (Not that I recommend it but just that I can relate to it.)

I remember one time in college (when I was teaching preschool, of course) when I told a (college-aged) friend to sit 'criss cross apple sauce' and they just stared at me. And then I realised not everyone knows what that means! Just the people who are in contact with preschoolers, I guess.

I am glad 'Siah is doing well/having fun in school!

Angie said...

Well, I do believe we used to call it sitting "indian style," but that's not very PC.

Ashby said...

oh yeah. that's true.