Thursday, September 27, 2007

Super Cute!

Today was Josiah's first lunch buddies day at preschool. That means I had till 1:oo to do what I wanted. Of course all I ended up doing was a whole bunch of running around and errands. I had to do some photocopying, take recalled items back to Target, run out to NCO (I had a trunk full of diapers to deliver), and find some mat board for an auction donation. Between those stops I also stopped at boarders, office depot, christian supply, and marshalls. I was a bad girl. I know I have a ton of stuff for the baby, but I couldn't resist. I was just looking at all the little girl clothes when I saw the shirt. I saw it, and almost said out loud, "that is super cute!" It a shirt that screams, "wear me for super cute photos." I had to get it. Besides, it's blue and green, not pink or purple. What was really funny was that when I went to find the price, I found the tag first. The tag says, "Super-cute Carter's." I guess Carter's and I think alike.

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