Thursday, September 06, 2007

life happenings

This past week we've been busy and sick.

Saturday we went to the circus. We took Josiah's favorite mode of transport, tri-met. We went an hour early to the interactive pre show. Josiah was ready to head home after the tigers performed which was close to intermission. I think he had a good time, but I think it was a bit over stimulating. Josiah has always been easily overstimulated. There was always something going on, so I think it was a bit much. Josiah learned two things. One, elephants eat apples (specifially apples belonging to clowns). Two, tigers can roll over. It was way over priced, everything from the tickets which were almost $75 for the three of us, to the $7 we spent on water to avoid dehydration.

Sunday Wes ran sound at the Ethnos gathering. So we left home at about 2 and got to head home at 7:45. Of course we didn't go home. We went to dinner.

Monday we realized that we were coming down with colds. We spent a good portion of our day enjoying the sunshine at home.

Tuesday Wes stayed home from work, but put in a full day telecommuting. Josiah and I spent the morning/early afternoon out. I didn't feel well and didn't really want to go. But I realized that Wes could work better without us there the whole time. So we went to the Waste Management Metro South Center. There we ditched 20 years worth of paint that we inherited from previous home owners. We also got rid of florecent light bulbs and batteries. We had to turn around in the home depot parking lot, so we just decided to make a stop there. I bought the workings for the utility room shelves that I've been wanting for 4+ years now. You may wonder why we didn't go to the closer WM metro station. That would be because my parents live just a couple miles from the South station. So our next stop was at the family home. My parents weren't home, but Josiah and I scowered the garden for a few ears of corn to take home. We also found ourselves a snack before heading home to a very late lunch. Tuesday evening I put up the first half of the shelving.

Wednesday our colds were worse, but we had lots to do. Wes worked from home again. Isn't it nice of him not to share? Josiah and I made a trip to Costco to get out of the house. We also stopped at the dollar tree to round out supplies for Josiah's birthday party. Then I bought Josiah his bi-monthly happy meal. We got home and I just had time to unload our groceries and get a quick shower. I was exhausted. Off to the Dr's office we went for our 34 week appointment. The Dr was 45 minutes late and only spent 15 minutes with us. I now know why I prefer morning appointments, they aren't running late yet. Nothing new to report on the baby front. After my Dr appointment I got to go through my Creative Memories order that arrived that afternoon. Then, that evening I put up the other half of my utility shelving. I spent the night hacking my lungs out.

Today, Thursday, Wes is working from home again. I feel like crap. I had originally planned to take Josiah to NCO today since it is his last Thursday to do so, he'll be at preschool in the future weeks. But, it didn't happen. I just wasn't up to doing anything today. Although I've been doing quite a bit around the house. I've gotten my CM customer orders sorted, put away yesterday's Costco run, and done some cleaning. I've also taken several breaks from life. Did I mention that I feel like crap? It sucks to be preggo and sick at the same time. I can't take anything for this congestion.

I am praying that we will be well tomorrow...


Natalie said...

Have you tried breathe right nasal strips? They work really well.

Angie said...

No. But the congestion that really bothers me isn't in my nose. It's a lung thing. They hurt from all the coughing. They feel like they are covered in slime.