Saturday, January 06, 2007

Christmas Day

Uncle Stephen read us a Christmas story before we open gifts on Christmas Day.

I think Wes likes his Christmas present. He had figured out I'd done something. Between delivered photos that I wouldn't let him see and a toddler who said something about taking pictures of his guitar... But I don't think he expected what he got. :O) I think Josiah was just as excited to see the final product.
Mom made each of us a crazy quilt. This one is Amanda's (Scotty's girlfriend). Mom used scraps from over the years. They were her's and her mother's fabric scraps. I can look at these quilts and see shirts that my grandfather wore, mom's bridal dresses, my childhood dresses, and many other things.
After opening gifts Mom, Amy, and I work in the kitchen to get dinner (and snacks for hungry toddlers).
While Wes, Dad, and Scotty take a nap. Stephen felt the need to borrow my camera and take some pics. Note the orange box next to the couch. That would be the new toilet set for the main bath. Josiah later claimed that mommy and daddy opened his Christmas present, the toilet seat for HIS bathroom.

1 comment:

Ashby said...

I really like the picture of Wes's present! It turned out great!

I also LOVE the candle-light photos! Everyone looks beautiful.

I also love that your son helps the church set up/clean up. What a good example he is setting!