Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thank God for the Ethnos forum

Our plan was to head home this morning. But early this morning I decided to see what was new on the forum. That's where I read that Matt was snowed in at his appartment and that Jenn and Troy were heading out to go play. Hummm. We decided to turn on the tv and see what was going on. Thus we discovered the bad weather in Portland via the forum. So if we hadn't had the forum we would be on our way home right now, not realizing what lay ahead. Now our stay and Wes's parents' house has been extended. Josiah couldn't be happier. Maybe we will go sleding again today in the timber. The plan is now to head home tomorrow dependent upon what happens today and tonight between here and there.

Josiah has decided that he is ready for solo sledding. Last year he didn't even want to be pulled in the sled. He's growing up so fast. Before you know it, he will want to start at the top of the hill.

Am I a bad mother? I laugh every time I see this picture. I can't help myself. Maybe it's okay to laugh since he came up smiling ready to tackle the hill again. I wasn't laughing yesterday. The sled took an unexpected turn. He headed right for two trees. The sled was just narrow enough to pass through. But as he went through the lowest branch attacked his face. After some tears he was ready for more. I kind of think he may be a little proud of his battle scars. :O)
These are two of my best snowflake pictures from the other day. You see, the problem is that the snow was two days old. I picked a handfull up off the ground and then dropped it onto the car. So the flakes are a bit beat up. I do believe there is some fresh snow out there now. Maybe...


Anonymous said...

The Josiah wipe-out picture is awesome. Boys have to crash and burn. It's good to have some scars.


Dave Ketah said...

Glad you guys were able to benefit from the forum in that way!