Sunday, January 14, 2007

Greetings from EO

We're at the Smith Farm for the weekend. We've been playing in the snow. It's cold, in the teens. Today's high is supposed to be around 17.

Tried to shoot some snow flakes yesterday. Shooting macro with a reversing ring is hard work. I would like to get a microscope. But seeing how I finally got my telescope, I don't want to push my luck. Haven't looked to see if I got anything good. We should be heading out to play soon here.

We brought my new telescope. We're still waiting for ordered parts to come in so that I can attach my camera properly. Still, we brought the telescope. It was cloudy last night. Tonight is supposed to be clear. Lots of stars to see when the sun goes down around here. Wes is excited about the prospects of nebulas and other galexies tonight. It will be cold viewing.

I've been updating my blog this morning. Added many new blog links. Did I miss anyone? I've been wanting to play around with things a bit, but there just isn't a lot of down time in Portland to do that kind of thing. I have enough trouble finding time to actually post...

Hope you're all staying warm.

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