Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My friend and such

Yesterday I saw a friend. I've needed to see her. I've missed her. It was good to be able to give her a hug and just hang out for a while. Three of us sorted underware and pj's at NCO yesterday afternoon. And we talked. We let her do a lot of the talking. She seems to be on the right path. That does my soul good to know. It also gave Josiah a chance to play with his friends. He has missed his friends and that has hurt my heart. It was a good afternoon, even if Josiah and I both missed another nap.

This weekend gave life some distraction and normalcy. With Josiah's catastrophy (which still has my hallway a mess), my grandparents' 60th party, and Wes doing sound Sunday, there just wasn't time to be down. I think that was good. My emotions are worn out. I continue to pray for my friends, but the drowning in tears with them just has to stop. So I will continue to be there for those in need, continue to lend an ear, continue to shed a tear or two, continue to just be a friend. What I've realized is that I just need to stop taking everyone else's grief upon myself and letting the emotion get the better of me. It's hard enough being pregnant without taking on everyone's pain.

We'll Josiah has decided that he needs to watch Cars this morning. So I'd best go be productive with my 2 hours of free time.

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