Wednesday, August 01, 2007

leg cramps

I awoke this morning to an excruciating pain in my leg. I find when I'm pregnant, that at some point, I have to eat bananas in order to avoid such cramping. Unfortunately, a) bananas aren't a favorite fruit of mine and b)I ran out and forgot to buy more at the store yesterday. So this morning I suffered for my forgetful preggie brain. It was the worst episode of leg cramps that I have ever had. It got so bad before Wes got it worked out that I was in tears.


Wesly Smith said...

Not the most pleasant way to wake up for either one of us! I'm sorry for the things you have to go through dear.

Laura Anne said...

Oh man! I used to wake up during the night with cramps in my calves! The things you go through to produce a beautiful child. :)