Friday, July 27, 2007


Today, Josiah and I walked across the street at 10:20 to catch a bus. Bus rides happen to be one of Josiah's favorite activities. We got off at 4th and Jefferson, then walked down to the Portland Building.
Up on the 14th floor, we visited Wes's cubicle. After meeting a couple new coworkers, we headed back down and out to Pioneer Place. Josiah decided that he wanted pizza for lunch.
We ate our pizza and then headed to the waterfront. Josiah and Wes spent some time in the fountain. Then we walked up onto the bridge. Wes headed back to work and Josiah and I walked down the waterfront. Turning at Burnside, we started walking toward Powell's.
Along the way, at the park blocks, we discovered the playground. I needed a break so we stopped to play/rest in the shade. After a while, Josiah came to deliver the message, "I have to go potty." So up about three more blocks, we got to the bookstore just in time.
We spent our time in the children's section of course. I started reading to Josiah and quickly had an audience of two. Oliva and Josiah continued to pick out books and bring them to the table. I read some, Oliva's mother read some.
After Powell's Josiah wanted to go back to the park. At the park, we found his new friend, Oliva. They played while her mom and I chatted. They've been here for just this past week on a business trip. They are heading home to Florida soon.
After some more time at the park, we headed back towards the bus stop. We made a stop at the mall food court to get some cookies along the way. The bus arrived at about 5:30. We hopped onto the bus with Wes. I am beat. That is a lot of walking, pushing the stroller, for this preggie.

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