Monday, July 23, 2007

My room is scary

Josiah is always giving us interesting reasons why he can't sleep or why rest time should be over. Today, half an hour into rest time, he thought it should be over.

Josiah: But Mommy, I can't sleep.
Mommy: You still need to rest.
Josiah: But Mommy, my room is scary.
Mommy: Why is your room scary?
Josiah: It just is, it's scary.

So I had Josiah go back to his room and get back into bed. I went in and we began to go over the reasons why his room is scary. He is a list of reasons Josiah found his room to be scary.

~There is a pinky sized hole in his safety rail.
~He didn't have both his soft books stacked on top of one another. (He had hidden one under the sheets at the end of his bed.)
~One of his paintings wasn't hanging up. (It's not done so I've been working on it.)
~His closet was open. (That one was actually quite reasonable.)

1 comment:

Ashby said...

hey, man. I can't sleep till my books are stacked just right, either.