Friday, July 27, 2007

"spiritual gifts"

So we've been discussing the subject off and on for about a year or so. We've taken the online gift analysis. But if you take more than one, things don't always jive well. Here are two different tests I've taken in the last week. What's with the Mercy thing? Number 1 on one test and number 7 on the other. Then I took a look at the test I took a year ago. Teaching was number 1. What? Conclusion: These tests are just a bunch of bunk.

Showing Mercy 19------------15 Helps
Serving 12------------------- 13 Exhortation
Exhortation 12 ---------------12 Giving
Giving 11 --------------------12 Pastoring
Administration 11 ------------11 Teaching
Pastor/Shepherd 9 -----------8 Administration
Teaching 9 -------------------6 Mercy
Evangelism 6 -----------------6 Evangelism
Prophecy 4 -------------------5 Prophecy


Wesly Smith said...

I don't think that they're utter bunk, but they do have some limitations.

Ashby said...

Yeah...ditto what your husband said.

Angie said...

Okay, maybe bunk wasn't the word I was looking for...

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya, I say bunk. I don't like tests that try to put me in a box.
