Thursday, July 12, 2007

Paul wants a new toy

Yesterday I had a conversation with Paul. Seems he wants a new toy, a D40. For those of you who don't know, that would be a digital SLR camera by Nikon. I asked him where he was going to get $1000 to buy this new toy. He didn't have an answer.

This morning I came up with a way for Paul to save for his new camera. He just has to give up his daily "fix" for a while. I figure he could easily tuck away $5 a day. That's just 200 short days. It's not that long. I've been prego for almost that long already.

How bad does Paul really want a new camera?


Ashby said...

hahahaha. I am sure Paul will be glad for this helpful advice!

Angie said...

At least he has an easy way to save. I would have to not feed my family for 200 days to raise the $4500 I'd need for the camera I want.

Dave Ketah said...

For $1000, you can get a D80. That is what ours cost 2 months ago, with 2 lenses!