Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ways Josiah has made me smile this morning

It has only been an hour since we all got up. But already Josiah is putting a smile on my face. Here are three things that have made me smile this morning

"I had to go poop. My cheese turned into poop. Now my tummy is empty." Actually, it made me LOL. A few weeks ago, for some very logical reason, I explained to Josiah that poop was made of food that your body has taken all the good stuff out of. It must have been one of the potty training necessities.

"Mommy, the tractor trailer needs help. It's going to need another truck to help it. I'm going to need some tape." Ah, tape. It happens to be one of Josiah's favorite toys right now. He does all kinds of things with it. After using it to help rescue the tractor trailer, I saw zoo keeper Zach using it to haul pieces of fence.

"Mommy, are we going to go to the garage sale to play today?" I hadn't realized that, that is why Visible Grace has a garage sale. But I guess that's why Josiah goes.

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