Thursday, July 19, 2007

an excerpt from a mom's brag book

Josiah continues to amaze me. How old is he? This morning I was working on my new bookshelves. They came in a box, in pieces. I am working on sanding each piece. Josiah starts in on what seems to be one of his new favorite games. He asks the question, "What does ____ start with?" For example:

"Mommy, what does dog start with?"

I, in turn, pronounce the word slowly and clearly. Then ask him, "What do you think the word dog starts with?"

"Um, D, maybe."

Today I decided that we would expand the game a bit. I began to ask him about the rest of the word. So I'm sanding and together Josiah and I are spelling whole, simple words. So he's learning and he's having fun doing so. He was completely amused by the fact that he was figuring out every letter of the words and spelling whole words. How old is this kid anyway? 3? Sometimes, I'm not so sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is Awesome! Go Josiah